Measuring instruments; Source:


Maintaining a sophisticated and reliable metrology system is key to developing new technologies, trading fairly, and safeguarding citizens' quality of life. Statutory metrology sets out provisions that serve these objectives and ensure that technical developments (e.g. "smart" metering devices) are also given sufficient consideration. The Verification Act and the Verification Ordinance have therefore been replaced by more modern rules. The primary aim here is to keep pace with rapid technological developments. At the same time, we want to make rules more flexible, reduce costs for industry, and make procedures more cost-effective.

New Measurement and Verification Act in force in 2015

The new Measurement and Verification Act was drafted by the Economic Affairs Ministry following more than 10 years of discussion on how to redesign the statutory metrology system in Germany. The Act on the Re-organisation of Statutory Metrology (in German) entered into force on 1 January 2015. The new Measurement and Verification Ordinance (in German) also entered into force on 1 January 2015.

Further to this, the First Act Amending the Measurement and Verification Act (in German) entered into force on 19 April 2016. This amendment clarifies who has to report new or updated measuring equipment to the calibration authorities and the approach to be taken in the case of more than one item of measuring equipment. Also, some new points were added in the field of legislation on pre-packaged products.

The new rules include the following key elements:

  • In future, the same requirements will apply to measuring equipment governed by European and national law when they are brought to market. This will make life much easier for the market participants.
  • The type approval under national law and the initial verification of measuring equipment governed by national law have been replaced since 1 January 2015 by conformity assessment. These assessments are carried out by conformity assessment bodies.
  • The new regulatory system is open to innovations and aims to respond quickly and appropriately to future advances in technology.
  • The task of periodically re-verifying used measuring equipment will continue to rest with the calibration authorities of the Länder and the state-recognised test laboratories. Verification is the official testing of an item of measuring equipment at periodic intervals or in case of an error or an intervention in the measuring equipment.

Conformity assessment bodies for measuring equipment regulated at European level can be found in the European Commission’s Nando database.