Planeten zum Thema Raumfahrt; Quelle:


Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck is attending the ESA Ministerial Council meeting in Paris today and tomorrow. The ESA Council at Ministerial level is the highest decision-making body of the European Space Agency (ESA). It convenes every three years. Today, Germany takes over the Chair of the ESA Council at Ministerial level from France and will hold it until the next ESA Ministerial Council meeting.

On the occasion of today’s meeting, France, Germany and Italy have adopted a Joint Statement on the future of launcher exploitation in Europe. You can find the statement here.

Minister Robert Habeck said: "It is a pleasure for me that Germany is taking over the Chair of the ESA Council Ministerial from France today. At today’s Ministerial meeting, we want to jointly set the course for a strong, competitive and sustainable European space industry which secures Europe’s independence in strategically important areas. The joint declaration adopted with France and Italy today is an important step to this end."