Reform of the Renewable Energy Sources Act

  • Standbild der Pressekonferenz

    15/09/2022 - Press release - Trade Policy

    Press release: G7 Trade Ministers demonstrate unity and resolve at Neuhardenberg Palace

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  • 14/09/2022 - Press release - Renewable Energy

    Press release: Habeck: “Further strengthening preparedness by temporarily increasing electricity generation from renewables and via further measures to cut gas consumption”

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  • Wachstumskurve mit Kugelschreiber symbolisiert die wirtschaftliche Lage.

    13/09/2022 - Press release - Economic Situation and Cyclical Development

    Press release: The Economic Situation in Germany in September 20221

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  • Wachstumskurve mit Kugelschreiber symbolisiert die wirtschaftliche Lage.

    12/08/2022 - Press release - Economic Situation and Cyclical Development

    Press release: The economic situation in Germany in August 2022[1]

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  • Windrad hinter Photovoltaik-Anlage

    29/07/2022 - Press release - Renewable Energy

    Press release: First rules of new 2023 RES Act enter into force: "renewable energy first" and higher remuneration for solar power

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  • 27/07/2022 - Press release - Climate Change Mitigation

    Press release: 177.5 billion Euros for climate action, energy security and help with energy costs

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  • 22/07/2022 - Joint press release - Energy

    Press release: Joint press release by the Federal Chancellery, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, the Federal Ministry of Finance – Federal Government agrees on financial support for Uniper and announces further relief measures

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  • Wachstumskurve mit Kugelschreiber symbolisiert die wirtschaftliche Lage.

    14/07/2022 - Press release - Economic Situation and Cyclical Development

    Press release: The economic situation in Germany in July 20221

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  • 13/07/2022 - Press release - Climate Change Mitigation

    Press release: National fuel emissions trading: end to exceptions for burning of coal and waste

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  • 08/07/2022 - Press release - Renewable Energy

    Press release: Bundesrat approves largest acceleration package for expansion of renewables in decades and expands toolbox for precautionary measures

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