International Cooperation

  • 14/09/2022 - Press release - The Economy

    Press release: Minister Habeck meets with G7 trade ministers in Neuhardenberg
    Habeck: "Unity and solidarity of G7 continue to be more important than ever for Ukraine. "

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  • Standbild der Pressekonferenz

    15/09/2022 - Press release - Trade Policy

    Press release: G7 Trade Ministers demonstrate unity and resolve at Neuhardenberg Palace

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  • 07/09/2022 - Joint press release - Climate Change Mitigation

    Press release: G7 Multi-Stakeholder Conference on Standardisation: focus on climate action and the global digital energy transition

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  • Pressestatement von Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, Robert Habeck, zum Thema Eckpunkte Einsatzreserve Atom

    27/09/2022 - Press release - European and International Energy Policy

    Press release: Habeck and operators present concept to implement the nuclear power deployment reserve – operators begin preparatory work for deployment

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  • 29/09/2022 - Joint press release - European Economic Policy

    Press release: Franco-German position on an EU Critical Raw Materials Act

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  • 12/09/2022 - Press release - European and International Energy Policy

    Press release: "Close collaboration in the energy crisis: in Dublin, North Seas countries agree on ambitious expansion of offshore wind energy through cooperation projects"

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  • 29/06/2022 - Joint press release - Climate Change Mitigation

    Press release: Energy and Environment Councils set the course for a climate-neutral European economy

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  • 23/06/2022 - Joint press release - International Cooperation

    Press release: Minister-in-charge of Trade Relations of the Republic of Singapore, Mr. S Iswaran and German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Mr. Robert Habeck announce closer bilateral economic cooperation

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  • 06/06/2022 - Press release - International Cooperation

    Press release: Habeck travelling to Israel and the Palestinian territories and to Jordan for the first MENA Europe Future Energy Dialogue

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  • 12/06/2022 - Press release - Trade Policy

    Press release: State Secretary Udo Philipp at the 12th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization in Geneva

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