Maritime Industry

  • Pressestatement von Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, Robert Habeck, zum Thema Eckpunkte Einsatzreserve Atom

    27/09/2022 - Press release - European and International Energy Policy

    Press release: Habeck and operators present concept to implement the nuclear power deployment reserve – operators begin preparatory work for deployment

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  • 13/01/2022 - Joint press release - Economic Policy

    Press release: Dievini and The Federal Republic of Germany amend shareholders’ agreement regarding investments in Curevac N.V.

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  • Gas-Mengengerüst von 06/22 bis 06/23, Ergebnisse Speicherfüllstände

    23/06/2022 - Press release - Energy

    Press release: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz ruft Alarmstufe des Notfallplans Gas aus – Versorgungssicherheit weiterhin gewährleistet

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  • 29/06/2022 - Joint press release - Climate Change Mitigation

    Press release: Energy and Environment Councils set the course for a climate-neutral European economy

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  • 01/06/2022 - Press release - Economic Policy

    Press release: Competition Register at Bundeskartellamt improves transparency and fair trade in the field of public procurement

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  • 17/06/2022 - Joint press release - Economic Policy

    Press release: New hedging instrument (margining) launched by the German Federal Government to protect companies affected by war

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  • 23/06/2022 - Joint press release - International Cooperation

    Press release: Minister-in-charge of Trade Relations of the Republic of Singapore, Mr. S Iswaran and German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Mr. Robert Habeck announce closer bilateral economic cooperation

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  • Symbolbild von Handel, Lager, Industrie, Lieferketten

    01/12/2022 - Press release - The Economy

    Press release: General Approach on the EU Supply Chain Law in the Competitiveness Council

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  • 13/12/2022 - Press release - Economic Policy

    Press release: Federation and Länder adopt comprehensive reform of regional economic assistance

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  • LNG-Schiff Station

    23/12/2022 - Press release - European and International Energy Policy

    Press release: Habeck hands over funding notices: €62 million for the construction of three innovative LNG bunker vessels

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