
  • 26/06/2023 - Joint press release - European Economic Policy

    Press release: Sustainable supply of critical raw materials: Economic affairs ministers from Germany, France and Italy agree on close cooperation in the areas of extraction, processing and recycling

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  • Berge mit Wald symbolisieren den Tourismus im ländlichen Raum

    11/08/2023 - Press release - Tourism

    Press release: Economic Affairs Ministry provides funding for sustainable tourism projects

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  • 09/03/2023 - Press release - The Economy

    Press release: Minister Habeck presents working report on ‘renewing prosperity in a climate-neutral manner’

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  • Stapel von Papier zum Branchenfokus Papier- und Druckindustrie; Quelle:

    21/08/2023 - Press release - Sustainability

    Press release: Artificial intelligence in the paper industry

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  • Symbolbild Klimaschutz, Nachhaltigkeit und Erneuerbare Energien

    09/08/2023 - Press release - Climate Change Mitigation

    Press release: Federal Cabinet adopts business plan for the Climate and Transformation Fund (CTF)

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  • Bild aus der ISS symbolisch für die Schlüsseltechnologie Raumfahrt; Quelle: ESA/NASA

    06/11/2023 - Press release - Aerospace Policy

    Press release: Important decisions at the 2023 European Space Summit:

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  • Cover of the publication Potentials of Distributed Ledger Technologies for the Economy

    08/12/2023 - Publication - Digitisation

    Publication: Potentials of Distributed Ledger Technologies for the Economy

    Expert Dialogue Blockchain

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  • 15/02/2023 - Press release - International Cooperation

    Press release: “Resilience and sustainability go hand in hand” – OECD Ministerial Meeting on responsible business conduct

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  • Windräder auf einem Feld

    06/12/2023 - Article - Energy

    Article: System Stability Roadmap

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