
  • 14/06/2024 - Press release - Economic Policy

    Press release: Senior representatives of EU Member States call for appointment of SME envoy of the European Commission

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  • 08/04/2024 - Press release - Video Games

    Press release: An important lever for the computer games industry in Germany

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  • 20/11/2023 - Joint press release - The Digital World

    Press release: Digital Summit 2023: Unleashing the full potential of AI for Germany

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  • Industriekonferenz 2023

    31/10/2023 - Press release - Alliance for the "Future of Industry"

    Press release: 2023 Industry Conference – Safeguarding our industrial base, renewing our prosperity, boosting our economic security


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  • Coverbild Green Tech

    19/10/2023 - Press release - Digital Technologies

    Press release: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action providing €75 million for innovative GreenTech projects

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  • Schreibtisch mit Stapel von Akten

    11/10/2023 - Joint press release - Cutting Red Tape

    Press release: Germany and France make joint call for less red tape at European level

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  • Bild aus der ISS symbolisch für die Schlüsseltechnologie Raumfahrt; Quelle: ESA/NASA

    27/09/2023 - Press release - Aerospace Policy

    Press release: Adoption of the federal government’s new Space Strategy

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  • 18/09/2023 - Press release - Key Enabling Technologies

    Press release: Microelectronics for Germany and for Europe: High-level meeting of politicians and the industry at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

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  • Schreibtisch mit Stapel von Akten

    30/08/2023 - Joint press release - The Economy

    Press release: Input paper adopted for a European red tape reduction initiative

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  • Digitaler Programmiercode

    30/08/2023 - Joint press release - The Digital World

    Press release: Federal Cabinet adopts National Data Strategy

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