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In the context of the new Green Transition Facility, KfW Capital is now making €100 million available for venture capital funds to be invested in environmental and climate technology startups. This serves to finance innovations for the development and expansion of new sustainable, environmentally sound and climate friendly technologies and thus makes an important contribution to the ecological transformation of the economy and of society.

Federal Minister Robert Habeck said: "Germany is a country with a wealth of entrepreneurial ideas. If the ecological and sustainable transformation of the economy and of society is to succeed, we need to help startups to spread their ideas and showcase their technologies in this field. This requires sufficient funding. I am delighted about the KfW’s important signal to make available targeted venture capital for investments in climate technologies in the context of the Green Transition Facility of its subsidiary KfW Capital. The Federal Government’s Startup Strategy aims to increase support in this field on the venture capital market. Additional investments in greentech and further innovation and transformation areas are planned in the context of the Future Fund, with which we provide, together with private investors, cross-sectoral funding especially for the capital-intensive growth phase of startups and technological innovations."

Venture capital funds with a clear strategy for investments in environmentally sound and climate-friendly technologies can receive funding in the context of the KfW Capital’s Green Transition Facility. As in its existing programmes, KfW Capital makes investments together with private investors at matching conditions.

You can find more details about the programme at:

Information about the Future Fund for Germany

The Future Fund, which will reach €10 billion by 2030, includes a number of tools to lastingly strengthen the venture capital market and the financing conditions for innovative, tech-oriented growth companies. It mobilises a substantial amount of private capital for important forward-looking technologies to make the sustainable transformation a success.