Digital Strategy

  • 05/12/2023 - Press release - European and International Energy Policy

    Press release: Germany and UNIDO drive decarbonization with Partnership for Net Zero Industry and Global Matchmaking Platform as part of the Climate Club

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    05/12/2023 - Joint press release - European Industrial Policy

    Press release: European Commission approves major european cloud project

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  • 20/11/2023 - Joint press release - The Digital World

    Press release: Digital Summit 2023: Unleashing the full potential of AI for Germany

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  • Güterbahnhof zum Thema Handelspolitik

    29/10/2023 - Press release - International Cooperation

    Press release: State Secretary Udo Philipp attends G7 Trade Ministers’ Meeting in Osaka (Japan)

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  • Coverbild Green Tech

    19/10/2023 - Press release - Digital Technologies

    Press release: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action providing €75 million for innovative GreenTech projects

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  • obert Habeck, die Professorin für Ethik in der Informationstechnologie Judith Simon und der Gründer und CEO des KI-Unternehmens Aleph Alpha Jonas Andrulis die Frage „Wie gelingt gute Künstliche Intelligenz?“

    16/10/2023 - Press release - Digital Technologies

    Press release: Habeck holds fourth Transformation Talks: “How can we achieve good artificial intelligence?”

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  • Schreibtisch mit Stapel von Akten

    11/10/2023 - Joint press release - Cutting Red Tape

    Press release: Germany and France make joint call for less red tape at European level

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  • 25/09/2023 - Joint press release - Aerospace Policy

    Press release: Germany to pioneer carbon-neutral flying

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  • 20/09/2023 - Press release - Industrial Policy

    Press release: Habeck discusses future of automotive industry in Germany with expert group

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  • 18/09/2023 - Press release - Key Enabling Technologies

    Press release: Microelectronics for Germany and for Europe: High-level meeting of politicians and the industry at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

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