Alliance for the "Future of Industry"

  • 11/08/2022 - Press release - Electric Mobility

    Press release: Funding for electric cars from September 2023 for private individuals and non-profit organisations

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  • Ansprechpartner der Bundesregierung für die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft, Michael Kellner, und sein Stellvertreter Dr. Andreas Görgen mit Vertreterinnen und Vertretern der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft

    29/11/2022 - Press release - Cultural and creative industries

    Press release: Federal government’s contact person for the cultural and creative industries holds first talks with professional associations


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  • 18/11/2022 - Joint press release - Sustainability

    Press release: Smartphones and tablets will be easier to repair in the future

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  • Ausgeschnittene Industrieanlage symbolisiert grüne Industrie

    22/11/2022 - Press release - Industrial Policy

    Press release: Habeck and Le Maire call for impetus to strengthen European industrial policy

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  • 17/11/2022 - Press release - The Energy Transition

    Press release: Habeck: "First terminal for imports of green ammonia to be built in Hamburg – the decision on the location is a landmark for the rollout of the hydrogen economy"

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  • Vier Personen analysieren Diagramme, Quelle: SeanShot

    02/11/2022 - Press release - Digital Technologies

    Press release: German start-ups to participate at the Web Summit in Lisbon. Germany’s digital ecosystem will again be presented by two initiatives of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

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  • EU-Flagge vor der Europäischen Zentralbank für Europäische Wirtschaftspolitik; Quelle:

    17/10/2022 - Press release - European Economic Policy

    Press release: Minister Habeck visits Prague for talks

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  • Blasen im klaren Wasser

    05/10/2022 - Press release - The Energy Transition

    Press release: European Commission approves two important hydrogen projects: Economic Affairs and Climate Ministry can fund green hydrogen at BASF and decarbonisation of steel-making at Salzgitter

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  • © malp -

    01/12/2022 - Joint press release - Climate Change Mitigation

    Press release: European Commission presents proposal to harmonise the certification of carbon removals

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  • Erdkugel zu World Energy Outlook.

    12/12/2022 - Joint press release - Climate Change Mitigation

    Press release: G7 establishes Climate Club

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