The Energy Transition

  • Robert Habeck mit dem namibischen Präsidenten Hage Geinghob

    05/12/2022 - Press release - The Energy Transition

    Press release: Habeck in Namibia and South Africa for talks

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  • © malp -

    01/12/2022 - Joint press release - Climate Change Mitigation

    Press release: European Commission presents proposal to harmonise the certification of carbon removals

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  • Symbolbild Windenergie, Erneuerbare Energie, Begutachtung

    01/12/2022 - Press release - Industry

    Press release: Launch of Clean Tech Europe – Europe wants to ramp up the production of climate-relevant technologies

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  • Habeck: „Bundeskabinett fasst wichtige Zukunftsbeschlüsse“

    30/11/2022 - Joint press release - Climate Change Mitigation

    Press release: Minister Habeck: “Cabinet takes key decisions for the future”

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  • Coverbild des Grünbuchs Energieeffizienz; Quelle: BMWi

    25/11/2022 - Press release - Climate Change Mitigation

    Press release: The European Climate Initiative launches the 7th competition for ideas for climate action projects – accession candidates from the western Balkans can now take part

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  • Deutsche und Französische Flagge zum Deutsch-Französischem Ministerrat

    24/11/2022 - Press release - European and International Energy Policy

    Press release: 5th Franco-German Energy Forum: Germany and France successfully collaborate on shaping the energy transition

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  • Ausgeschnittene Industrieanlage symbolisiert grüne Industrie

    22/11/2022 - Press release - Industrial Policy

    Press release: Habeck and Le Maire call for impetus to strengthen European industrial policy

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  • Darstellung grümen Strom oder Ökostrom

    21/11/2022 - Joint press release - The Energy Transition

    Press release: Habeck at today’s second production summit: “We must work together to expand production capacity for the energy transition”

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  • 20/11/2022 - Joint press release - European and International Energy Policy

    Press release: Team Germany on the conclusion of COP27

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  • Gaskraftwerk und Windräder symbolisieren Plattform Strommarkt; Quelle:

    18/11/2022 - Joint press release - Renewable Energy

    Press release: Habeck visits the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing:
    focus on hydrogen technologies and wind energy

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